Minggu, 10 Desember 2017

Shampoo Hair Color Only 10 Minutes Noni Plant Nature's Amazing Healer Noni Magic

Tampak dalam box Nano Magic

Dalam Box cukup tertulis jelas dalam bahasa Inggris , yang bisa Anda baca dengan gamblang dan jelas, bila Anda order 1box (1dust) NONI MAGIC pada kami.

Noni Magic black hair took our health experts 2 year  to research and develop teh NANOMAGIC  hair formula that can blacken  your hair and reduce  dandruff
It contains no ammonia with no unpleasan  smell and it will not turn your hair red.  NONIMAGIC black hai is the perfects solution for your hair to alway look young and healthy.

When used continuously  for 3 month ( 1x permonth), NONIMAGIC will give your ideal    pitch-blackhair, perfect for those who with gray our yellow hair.

NONI MAGIC is easy to use, time-savinng, and it natural.

Note : the product is not suitable for person with alergy. Please do an allergy test by massaging some on your earllobe. Please procees if no red itches occur within 24 hours

Penampakan  dus (box)

NONI Plant
Nature's Amazing  Healer

NONI Black Hair Shampoo

Nett: 20 x 20ml/sachet 

Setiap produk di packing box/dus terdapat  logo Badan   Majelis Ulama Indonesia(MUI)   dan   Tehnology From USA  natural & beauty 

Lihat lingkaran , merupakan logo MUI 

Jadi silakan langsung di order, produk ini bisa segera Anda miliki baik untuk orang dewasa, remaja, pria, wanita, gender dan sebagainya.
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